Mathias Kretschmann
The Wolfsburg-based ES-Tec Group has opened its new branch in Casablanca and founded its own company, ES-Tec S.A.R.L., in the Moroccan metropolis.
"We see North Africa and Morocco in particular as a future hot spot in the automotive industry. The new location helps us to implement our Best Cost Country strategy," explains Marc Wille, Managing Director of the ES-Tec Group. The geopolitical tensions of recent months have shown that locations in Eastern Europe, Turkey or even Asia are less stable than planned. Morocco, on the other hand, has an independent and secure energy supply. Research is being conducted on future topics such as hydrogen and photovoltaics, and the level of education in the metropolises is high. Moreover, Morocco is regarded as a particularly stable state in a region that is otherwise often plagued by crises. In addition, the royal family is specifically interested in attracting foreign companies, especially German ones.
ES-Tec will build up competencies from Casablanca in the area of functional and system dependencies for trades. Software development, CAD calculations and, above all, test bench construction and corresponding test procedures from the portfolio of the sister company GE-T will also complement the range of services. "In doing so, we would like to act as a facilitator for other companies from Wolfsburg," says Marc Wille. "We therefore offer not only our own services, but also access and connection to our contacts in the local network in Morocco."
The expanding development service provider for the automotive sector from the Heinenkamp industrial estate in Wolfsburg will be relying on the well-trained Moroccans in future – not least because of the shortage of skilled workers in Germany. ES-Tec Morocco is recruiting the first employees locally and has already rented an office floor in a prominent location in the heart of Casablanca, which is very well equipped logistically and digitally.