Alexandra Minding
As in previous years, Wolfsburg was once again the venue for the International Suppliers Fair 2018 from 16 to 18 October. Both exhibitors and guests took advantage of the opportunity to find out about economic and technical innovations in the automotive industry and also to make new professional contacts.
Among them, of course, were ES-Tec GmbH as well as GE-T GmbH. Our managing director, Marc Wille, has been supporting the work of Wolfsburg hilft e.V. for years. At the IZB 2016, we were already able to collect a generous sum for the non-profit organisation and this year we again used the hustle and bustle of the trade fair for another fundraising campaign. For every visitor who challenged his luck by throwing at a dartboard provided, Mr Wille donated an amount of money. The joy was great when on the last day of the fair a cheque for a total of 4036.00 euros was handed over to Petra Neumann-Wollenhaupt, 1st chairwoman of the association.
In addition, Wolfsburg hilft e.V. was delighted to receive a further donation of 500 euros, which the first-place winner of the darts game, Harald Möglich from Desay SV Automotive, spontaneously contributed when he heard about the charitable nature of the competition.
Wolfsburg hilft e.V. will use the money to fight leukaemia and will work closely with the North German Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Donor Registry (NKR) on this cause. “We are proud to be able to support their work with our donation and will of course be happy to continue our involvement in this project.”